20th Anniversary Brunch Fundraiser: Celebrate 20 Years of Heart Work with us!

Mentoring Program Services

Funding and Capacity Building

15 minutes

We know that securing funding is often one of the biggest challenges facing mentoring programs. That's why we work closely with state and corporate partners to make grant funding available to youth mentoring programs in Washington State. Our grants range from capacity-building opportunities to targeted pilots and projects aimed at addressing specific issues like foster care or juvenile justice. Our goal is to help programs like yours build and sustain effective mentoring initiatives that have a positive impact on young people's lives.

Our grant processes are competitive, but we're here to help you navigate the process successfully. We provide support and guidance throughout the application process, from helping you identify the best funding opportunities for your program to providing personalized feedback on your proposal.

Community Prevention & Wellness Funding

If you provide community based mentoring and are looking for funding we might have a resource for you! Start by filling out our Mentoring Practices Survey*. Once you fill out the survey:

  1. You will met with someone on MENTOR Washington's team and they will discuss with you if you are eligible for Community Prevention & Wellness funding through the Healthcare Authority and local CPWI coalitions.
  2. Our team will work with you to see what support you may need for your mentoring program to optimize youth outcomes!

*If you already filled out the Mentoring Practices Survey recently feel free to reach out to Harmony at [email protected]


Contact Us

Ready to make a difference in the lives of young people? Connect with the team at MENTOR Washington using the form below to learn more about our services and how you can get involved.